Thursday, 19 April 2018

Cara Pemijahan Ikan Lele Di Kolam Terpal

Saat ini banyak berkembang cara pemijahan ikan lele, mulai dari cara alami hingga cara intensif. Hampir semua metode bisa dilakukan sendiri oleh para pembudidaya. 

Insurers want extra money from your pay packet, and usually, they get what they want.
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If the answer is ‘yes’, you may well wonder why.
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Chances are you’re here because you’ve noticed your premium change for the worst. You did the right thing - let’s get started.

Dare to compare

Auto-renewal is lauded as ‘hassle-free’ - no thinking, or bother required, and astonishingly that’s a justification for loading on pounds, low-key.
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Huge insurance savings are ripe for the picking, but only those who dare to compare, win.

Price versus policy

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Insurance essentials

The costs of auto-renewal
Avoid doubling up on cover
Declarations and non-disclosure
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So, don’t let your insurer trap you for two, three, four or more years with an increasingly demanding bill. Kick auto-renewal to the kerb and find an insurance policy that’s fairer on your bank account.
Cara pemijahan ikan lele secara alami dilakukan dengan melepaskan ikan lele berpasangan dalam kolam yang telah dipersiapkan. Ikan lele yang siap kawin akan melakukan pembuahan dengan sendiri.
Sedangkan, cara pemijahan ikan lele intensif dilakukan dengan penyuntikan hormon, penyuntikan hipofisa, hingga pembuahan in vitro atau pembuahan dalam tabung reaksi yang dilakukan oleh manusia. Berikut beberapa metode pemijahan ikan lele yang bisa dilakukan para pembudidaya secara mandiri.

Pemijahan ikan lele secara alami

Langkah pertama untuk pemijahan ikan lele secara alami adalah dengan memilih induk betina dan jantan yang sudah matang gonad. Pilih sepasang ikan lele yang memiliki bobot seimbang, tujuannya agar salah satu induk tidak ketakutan terhadap induk lainnya. Keseimbangan bobot sangat berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan pemijahan.
Sebelum proses pemijahan ikan lele dilakukan, siapkan terlebih dahulu kolam tempat memijah. Kolam yang ideal untuk pemijahan adalah panjang 2-3 meter, lebar 1-2 meter dan kedalaman 1 meter. Sebaiknya dasar kolam terbuat dari semen atau fiberglass agar mudah mengawasi telur hasil pembuahan. Sebelumnya kolam harus dikeringkan dan dijemur, kemudian diisi air sedalam 30-40 cm. Gunakan air yang berkualitas baik, bersih dan jernih.
Pasang kakaban, bisa dibuat dengan ijuk yang dijepit dengan bambu seukuran area kolam. Gunakan pemberat agar kakaban tersebut tenggelam tidak mengapung di atas permukaan air. Kakaban berfungsi agar telur hasil pemijahan tidak berhamburan dan mudah dipindahkan. Buatlah kakaban sekokoh mungkin agar tidak berantakan oleh indukan yang aktif. Air untuk pemijahan ikan lele harus kaya oksigen, oleh karena itu berikan aerasi pada kolam pemijahan. Atau, apabila tersedia sumber air yang cukup buatkan aliran masuk dan keluar. Atur debit air sebanyak 2-3 liter per detik.
Waktu yang tepat untuk memasukan indukan kedalam kolam pemijahan adalah sore hari. Biasanya ikan lele akan memijah sekitar pukul 23.00 hingga pukul 05.00. Selama proses pemijahan ikan lele kolam harus ditutup, untuk mencegah induk ikan loncat keluar kolam. Pada pagi hari, biasanya proses pemijahan sudah selesai. Telur akan menempel pada kakaban. Telur yang berhasil dibuahi berwarna transparan sedangkan yang gagal berwarna putih susu.
Setelah proses pemijahan selesai, segera angkat induk dari kolam pemijahan ikan lele. Hal ini untuk menghindari telur disantap oleh induk ikan, karena setelah memijah induk ikan betina akan merasa lapar. Selanjutnya telur yang telah dibuahi ditetaskan. Penetasan bisa dilakukan di kolam pemijahan ataupun di tempat lain seperti akuarium, fiberglass atau kolam terpal. Selama proses penetasan suplai oksigen (aerasi) harus dipertahankan dan suhu distabilkan pada kisaran 28-29oC.
Telur yang telah dibuahi akan menetas dalam 24 jam menjadi larva. Setelah itu segera pisahkan telur yang gagal atau larva yang mati untuk mencegah tumbuhnya jamur. Larva yang menetas akan bertahan tanpa pemberian makanan tambahan selama 3-4 hari. Selanjutnya lakukan proses pemesaran larva.

Pemijahan dengan penyuntikan hipofisa

Pada dasarnya pemijahan ikan lele dengan penyuntikan hipofisa sama dengan pemijahan cara alami. Baik dari kesiapan induk, kondisi kolam maupun penanganannya. Perbedaannya terletak pada proses penyuntikan hipofisa pada induk ikan sebelum proses pemijahan dilakukan. Proses penyuntikan dilakukan baik terhadap induk jantan maupun betina. Fungsi penyuntikan hipofisa untuk merangsang pertumbuhan dan pematangan sel telur. Sehingga hasil yang diperoleh akan lebih maksimal dibandingkan dengan pemijahan ikan lele secara alami.
Kelenjar hipofisa didapatkan dari ikan donor, bisa ikan lele atau ikan mas yang telah dewasa. Usahakan ikan donor memiliki bobot yang setara dengan bobot induk. Misalnya, untuk induk dengan bobot 750 gram carilah ikan donor dengan bobot yang sama. Hal ini untuk memastikan induk ikan memperoleh dosis hipofisa yang tepat.

Cara mendapatkan kelenjar hipofisa adalah dengan membelah kepala ikan. Berikut cara untuk mendapatkan kelenjar hipofisa dari ikan lele. Peralatan yang dibutuhkan adalah pisau, tang penjepit, pinset, gelas atau tabung reaksi, gelas penggerus dan suntikan. Sebagai catatan, semua peralatan yang digunakan harus bersih lebih bagus lagi kalau steril dan tangan harus dalam keadaan bersih.
  • Pertama-tama potonglah ikan pada bagian pangkal kepala (misalnya, leher pada manusia) dengan pisau yang bersih.
  • Letakkan mulut ikan lele mengarah keatas, buka mulut ikan lele lalu belah bukaan mulut dengan pisau secara melintang sehingga kepala ikan terbelah menjadi bagian atas dan bawah. Ambil bagian atas dan bersihkan dari darah.
  • Buang tulang penutup hipofisa dengan tang penjepit, angkat kelenjar hipofisa. Kelenjar berbentuk butiran berwarna putih.
  • Gerus kelenjar hipofisa dengan gelas penggerus, encerkan dengan air aquadestilata sebanyak 2 ml.
  • Pindahkan hipofisa yang sudah dicampur air pada tabung, kocok selama 2-3 menit. Setelah itu biarkan selama 5 menit. Cairan akan memisah, bagian bawah berupa endapan dan lapisan atas cairan jernih.
  • Ambil bagian cairan jernih dengan jarum suntik. Hipofisa siap disuntikkan pada induk pemijahan ikan lele.
Penyuntikan pada induk ikan lele dilakukan pada bagian punggung. Caranya, ambil indukan tutup kepalanya dengan kain basah. Suntik pada otot punggung dengan kemiringan 30o-60o dari arah ekor sedalam 1,5-2,5 cm. Suntik secara perlahan, setelah semua cairan habis cabut jarum suntik lalu urut otot punggung agar cairan menyebar merata.
Masukan induk jantan dan betina yang sudah disuntik kedalam kolam pemijahan. Selanjutnya proses pemijahan ikan lele dengan penyuntikan sama dengan proses pemijahan alami.

Pemijahan dengan penyuntikan hormon perangsang

Metode lain pemijahan ikan lele dengan cara penyuntikan adalah dengan menyuntikan hormon perangsang. Penyuntikan dengan hormon perangsang lebih praktis dilakukan karena tidak memerlukan ikan donor dan tidak ada resiko kegagalan dalam mengekstrak hipofisa. Hormon untuk penyuntikan yang banyak dijual antara lain ovaprim dan Chorulon. Hormon akan mempengaruhi kelenjar hipofisa yang berfungsi merangsang pertumbuhan dan pematangan sel telur.
Sama seperti metode lainnya, kondisi calon induk ikan lele harus sudah matang gonad. Induk yang disuntik adalah jantan dan betina. Dosis penyuntikan dengan hormon perangsang ovaprim adalah 0,3-0,5 ml per kg bobot induk atau sesuaikan dengan petunjuk pemakaian. Sebelum disuntikan, hormon perangsang seperti ovaprim harus diencerkan dengan akuadestilata 3 kali lipatnya.
Proses penyuntikan dengan hormon perangsang sama dengan proses penyuntikan dengan kelenjar hipofisa. Dan, proses pemijahannya sama dengan pemijahan ikan lele secara alami.

Pemijahan ikan lele in vitro

Pemijahan ikan lele secara in vitro adalah proses pemijahan dimana pembuahan dilakukan oleh manusia dalam sebuah tabung atau wadah. Cara ini menuntut tingkat keterampilan dan ketelitian yang tinggi. Berbeda dengan ketiga cara di atas, dalam pemijahan ikan lele secara in vitro induk ikan jantan dibunuh dan diambil spermanya. Sementara induk ikan betina disuntik terlebih dahulu, kemudian diurut bagian perutnya agar sel telurnya keluar. Penyuntikan bisa dengan menggunakan kelenjar hipofisa ataupun hormon perangsang.
Alat dan bahan yang diperlukan untuk proses pemijahan ikan lele in vitro antara lain mangkung plastik atau kaca, bulu ayam, kertas tisu, pisau, gunting, pinset, suntikan, dan sodium klorida 0,9% (cairan infus). Wadah penetasan telur bisa memakai akuarium, fiberglass, atau bak terpal plastik. Kondisi dan kualitas air sama dengan ketiga cara sebelumnya. Semua peralatan harus dalam keadaan bersih, lebih baik lagi steril. Berikut langkah-langkah metode pemijahan in vitro:
  • Siapkan sperma ikan lele jantan dengan cara membedah perut secara membujur. Kantong sperma berbentuk pipih memanjang berwarna putih. Angkat kantong sperma, keluarkan sperma dengan cara memotong kantong dengan gunting, tampung dalam mangkuk.
  • Siapkan induk betina yang sudah disuntik 8-10 jam sebelumnya. Keluarkan sel telur dengan cara mengurut perut induk lele ke arah kelaminnya. Sel telur akan keluar lewat lubang kelamin, lalu tampung dengan mangkuk.
  • Campurkan sel telur dengan sperma dalam mangkuk sedikit demi sedikit. Aduk perlahan dengan bulu ayam. Encerkan campuran dengan air bersih lalu aduk perlahan sampai merata.
  • Masukan campuran sel telur dan sperma kedalam kolam penetasan. Tebarkan dengan bulu ayam.
  • Lakukan pengayaan oksigen pada kolam penetasan dengan aerotor. Aerotor jangan terlalu kencang sehingga menggoncang telur, tetapi juga jangan terlalu kecil. Selanjutnya jaga kondisi kolam penetasan seperti ketiga metode di atas hingga larva menetas.

Thursday, 25 January 2018



Each day, a lot of individuals share personal information with varied parties, starting from pattern cloud suppliers or smartphones with the localization alternative active and going forward to the relationship each has with their many service suppliers. each individual is that the actual owner of their information. Therefore, thus on possess access to a service or device, they need to expressly adjust to sharing it. The party entrusted with {this thusrt|this type|this kind} of data is supposed to need all the desired actions so on guard it. at intervals the past year, their are varied issues once large corporations collection information concerning individuals didn't handle them properly.

Persona may be a resolution for identity management, in line with the newest knowledge protection rules. Its scope is to empower customers and provides them management over their personal knowledge yet because the means that to realize access to their personal knowledge.

By exploitation Persona, people pay less time change their knowledge and repair suppliers to access the newest version of client knowledge.

The main purpose of Persona

  • To utilize Associate in Nursing identity management service for people supported the blockchain technology offered arabica;
  • Protect each personal detail. whereas it's clear that people ought to offer details to varied entities, they are doing not have management over it after. Persona puts individuals back to the driver’s seat;
  • Empower everybody and provides the power for what they share and with chemical analysis regarding their personality and details;
  • Allow third parties to be entrusted with personal details that enrich their services by giving trait as a service;
  • To prevent false news, by providing a localized identity management system, Persona can offer the amount of trust we tend to all want as a result of we rely on the news; by profile
  • To facilitate the onboarding method by the entities listed within the system;

OUR options

The blockchain options, utilizing the persona permits firms to supply services to the third parties yet as KYC Services. they're going to be rewarded for verification services by acceptive PRS. List

documents needed for KYC offer are:

  • ID or passport or documents issued by the govt (original documents)
  • Copy of your ID or image a pair of
  • Bank statement or invoice that proves wherever you reside

Safety and security knowledge

Given the very fact that there's a two-component product, superimposed on prime of every. Other, the Persona is safe to use. once registering with a supplier, the physical presence of a private may be a requirement for sharing their knowledge with the corporate.

Persona consists of 3 segments:

  1. Blockchain holds group action knowledge and IPFS for storage
  2. Web apps and dashboards for individual use
  3. A mobile app that helps manage knowledge

Mobile application security is predicated on

  • PIN-based login
  • Optional fingerprint scanning

Web app security

  • 2FA Authentication
  • BUSINESS set up

Selling Tokens for Persona can occur following the stages delineate below:

The number of tokens PRS one hundred million are featured. the worth of 1 token is PRS $ 0.2 total Allocations for PRS 100 million are:

  • 70 million earmarked for PRGE TGE;
  • 15 million is allotted to the PRS team consisting of the founders.

The token assigned  to the team are control inside 3 years, broken into annual payments as follows:

  • 10% in genesis;
  • 30% after 12 months;
  • 30% after 24 months;
  • 30% after 36 months;
  • PRS 12 million allocated to Persona Fund Startup;
  • PRS 1 million is allocated to counselors.

The tokens allocated to the advisor will be employed for a period of 6 months;

  • PRS 2 million allocated for that prize.
  • There are 70 million allocated to PRS TGE, divided into one Sale

For more details, you can visit:

Saturday, 20 January 2018

Modul Trade, The Freedom to Trade

Modul Trade 
ModulTrade also is a smart-blockchain-based systems contracts wherever MSME will meet, perform and execute the global trade, easy, efficient and trustfully.
ModulTrade (MVE) depending on the MSP (multi side platform), which aims to finish up worth through the network impact for the next 3 main constituents:

The MTRc, the instrument for worth exchange in MVE, may be a first-rate enabler of the system growth.
The MTRc token unit issued on Ethereum and can escort the foremost common and widely accepted ERC-20 token commonplace. It can be confirmed that the MTRc is compatible with all wallet and probably only other ethers for crypto-most common Stock for Mercantilism.

Trade Finance IS adopting blockchain technology
“Blockchain holds extended promise, but all too usually it fails to hunt out property use cases. Trade finance is one vital exception”
MSMEs become a region of GVC supported by e-commerce development
The opportunities for MSMEs inside the planet marketplace and worth chains unit enormous: it exposes them to Associate in Nursing outsize customer/buyer base, what's additional as opportunities to be told from huge firms and from partaking and living it up and returning sectors of the worldwide marketplace.

Technology and rules unit democratizing business towards Fintech
PSD2 will alter the MTP (ModulTrade Platform) to act with customers’ accounts at intervals secure processes whereas not banking intermediaries, therefore, increasing efficiency and lowering transactions costs.

The solution planned by ModulTrade
1. ModulTrade aims to eliminate the foremost barriers to entry into world trade
2. MVE additionally aspires to be Associate of Nursing innovative world platform which is able to simply facilitate participants’ access to 3rd parties providing some or extra of the following trade-related services
3. MVE aims to be a place to easily develop the new digital solution for world trade, ModulTrade's price system economic catalyst for democracy in world trade.

MVE aims to link participants of global trade through four main components:
1. Blockchain-based Smart-contract multi-sided platform (MTP) to duplicate banks’ trade finance instruments (Letter of Credit associated Guarantee) ANd to produce MVE participants this service throughout an unsuspecting and economical technique whereas additionally connecting them to wholes utterly totally different services like provision and insurance;
2. Trade-related services platform: to change trade execution via third-party service suppliers (e.g. payments, logistic, financing, tax, bookkeeping);
3. Trade network: to facilitate money transactions of MVE participants at intervals their name capital being a operate of users respectable collaboration at intervals the ecosystem;
4. Marketplaces: to hunt out reliable counterparties globally and to make best picks of merchandise ModulTradesmart-contract platform(“MTP”)—thebackboneof MVE
The main operate of MTP unit to duplicate banks’ trade finance instruments like Letters of Credit (LC) and Bank Guarantees. MTP offers this utility to MSMEs at a negligible price (cost of smart-contract execution on blockchain) if compared to 4-15% of the dealings amount charged by banks at the moment.

Current processes of B2B trade transaction based on Letter of Credit issued by banks

Trade process supported by MTP smart-contracts 

The MTRc
ModulTrade crypto Token (MTRc), an Associate degree in Nursing token ERC-20 issued in key regions, perhaps Ethereum ModulTrade new B2B multi side platform, which allows users to connect to the ModulTrade platform and system and the impact the transaction. MTRc will be premed sign which can be distributed alone throughout the pre-sale and sale campaign token. Therefore, the number of MTRc signs mounted units from the end of the day vogue months, 2017 is ready will be guaranteed a reasonable contract with the token.

Reputation Network & Reputation Capital
A Reputational Network unit formed at intervals MVE on the premise of a network aggregating name capital of users across multiple types of cooperative consumption at intervals MVE.

Trade guarantee in MTRc
To facilitate trade dealings at intervals MVE ModulTrade addresses the prevailing would love of small enterprises’ via Reputational Network. Funds and guarantees unit granted to MSMEs in MTRc on rock bottom of their Reputational Capital for the number of up to thirty days.

Technical concept of Modul Trade solution
A simplified Letter of Credit protocol 
The purpose of a ModulTrade sensible contract is to lock funds from a client and undo them to a bourgeois upon delivery of a Product to the consumer.
The simplified advancement of the contract is as follows.
1. the consumer deposits funds into the good contract that acts as Associate in Nursing official document agent.
2. Funds unit fast inside the good contract until undo conditions unit met.
3. Funds unit liberated to the seller upon eminent delivery throughout a mere time horizon.
4. Funds unit liberated to the consumer if no delivery happens at intervals a mere time horizon.

A family of consensus-based protocols
With a reputational deposit, the parties risk losing extra if they behave deceitfully whereas losing nothing otherwise. it's logical that some may regard reputational deposit as Associate in Nursing unwanted, though temporary, burden. In particular, to reduce the perception of it, at an early stage, ModulTrade associate in Nursing units of system partners to act as a reliable guarantor of trade by giving party associates in options to produce a deposit name for them to Associate in the Nursing fee agreement.

Technological capability
ModulTrade answer is technologically scalable. long platform quality owing to current technological constraints of Ethereum is additionally a problem which is able to be addressed in many ways that in this each of that is potential, secure and realistic. inside the event, the foremost acceptable technique unit set relying on the tests to be applied at the aspect of pilot customers and initial partners, what's additional as relying on the user rate once the first undo. Migrating to a precise blockchain.
Bringing some elements of the good contract off chain

Critical mass of users will find yourself a network impact in MVE
First implementation stage throughout Y2018-20 is construction and connected trade.
Second implementation stage — Y2020+ is a really vital mass at VE that is achieved MVE will trigger growth to whole utterly totally different elements of GVC.

MVE product provide for users
1. world presence through the net
2. Instrument for trade that provides trust
3. Trade finance line in MTRc
4. New payment possibility
5. quick access to trade-related services

Extra use cases
A value scheme is engineered around the MTRc and ModulTrade’s blockchain-based platform, sanctionative third parties to attach and integrate their own fintech solutions into it, so dramatically reducing their development and client acquisition prices.

Digital Thread for Additive producing (DTAM) on MTP
The DTAM service would be charged by ModulTrade as a fee in MTRc to the consumers of products
requiring the DTAM certification. The fees would then be authorized to the third party developer,
minus a commission for the utilization of ModulTrade’s platform.
An IoT answer for invoice factorization on MTP
ModulTrade’s platform may alter the exchange in real time of IoT knowledge associated with the physical status of trade goods or a decent between consumers, suppliers and different parties throughout the value chain.

Token launch
Distribution arrange
There will be a restricted provide of a hundred million MTRc in total. a part of it'll be distributed
through Pre-sale and Token sale in  2017-2018.
● up to 10,000,000  tokens will be distributed during the Pre-sale.
● up to 20,000,000 tokens will be distributed during the Token  Sale.

The  price  of  MTRc  is  set  as  follows:
Token  price: 1MTRc  =  1ETH/700
Use of the issue
Professional Consulting and Legal support of the Token sale
From the beginning, ModulTrade engaged Ramparts European firm, the associate freelance law
the firm primarily based in promontory and ITIRIV, consultants within the Token Sale house so as to make sure
that the concept of the Token  Sale was performed under the best possible governance.

Token sale
● associate audit of the Token sale method by freelance audit organization is
carried out before the Token sale. This freelance audit organization will review
the process during the  Token sale and validate it.
● the associate freelance supervisor is appointed to validate that development
expenses coupled to Token sale funds area unit in line with the arrange. The quarterly reportage
issued on can embody a standing of expenses supported Token sale funds
and a status on technical and geographical Modultrade development.

● No more MTRc token will be created after a Token sale.
● associate MTRc committee can analyze the MTRc utilization and can offer
recommendations to the community for any MTRc development. because the MTRc is
needed to trade on MT  platform, its usage on the platform will be closely monitored.
● A quarterly reportage on MTRc rate and MTRc utilization are printed on MT

● Project reportage system: periodic internal and external reports on the project standing
(the monthly external reports will be published on the Company’s  website).
● ERM (Enterprise Risk Management) framework: to spot, monitor and manage the
key project risk factors (business and operational) and to assess the property of the
adopted strategies.
● Strategic  Advisory  Board to set project guidelines and controls.
ITIRIV  have  worked  with  ModulTrade  Team  in  order  to  establish  the  following:

Suitability, institution and Compliance procedures for ModulTrade and therefore the token sale, determining the suitableness of ModulTrade business victimization the blockchain. Determining the appropriate jurisdiction for the token sale.

Creating the token sale proposition,  white paper (guidance and approval) a business arrangement
with milestones and technology build program schedule Project management of token
issuance in conjunction with The ModulTrade technical team.

Joint coordination of Announcement, Pre-sale and Launch of Token Sale,  Drawdown on token/coin worth raised supported a milestone commitment in Charter of the token sale company (TSC)
Marketing recommendation so as to make sure that The Token Sale falls out of scope of securities

Jurisdiction & The promontory Token Sale Company (TSC)
Working with Ramparts European firm ModulTrade team has determined that promontory is
the ideal jurisdiction for itsToken Sale. promontory was elite owing to its international name
as a rock solid place so as to guard the funds of each participant and Token Sale
distributors additionally to the jurisdictions’ progressive stance on cryptocurrency and its
regulation  (Gibraltar  plans  to  regulate  Distributable  Ledger  Technology  as  of  1  January  2018)
ModulTrade has shaped a special purpose vehicle for the aim of the token sale - The Token
Sale  Company  (TSC) which will be the holder of the funds raised in a pre-sale and Token sale.
Multi-Signature case
Participants within the MTRc token sale can send their funds to a secure, audited multi-signature case, that shall be controlled by a fitly qualified entity that shall make sure that funds area unit
only drawn down in accordance with the procedure agreed prior to the Token sale.
Cyber Security
The ModulTrade Token Sale Page and every one different page owned  by ModulTrade or its partner
organizations are totally audited by a prime cybersecurity skilled so as to cut back

ModulTrade is seizing this chance by eliminating the normal barriers to entry within the
global trade with the creation of a worth ecosystem.
One of the key components of the new MSP is that the ModulTrade Crypto Token (MTRc), a token
based on Ethereum, which can be used as a key for the users to attach to the world trade
network  and to  transact  in  the  ModulTrade’s  Value  Ecosystem  (MVE)
ModulTrade can contribute to the expansion of this worth scheme by acting as a totally
integrated end-to-end B2B marketplace, by increasing the presence of third-party
developers and repair suppliers and by reaching an important mass of users for the foremost
relevant market segments.

More information:
ANN:  coin jawa;u=1135040

Friday, 19 January 2018

Connectius_E-Commerce Future With Blockchain System

Connectius_E-Commerce Future With Blockchain System

 Technology has evolved thus chop-chop and progressively subtle. The sophistication of the technology has modified lots of things and become a brand new system like ne'er before. the primary is that the store may be a building and do sales considerably, however currently the look has been remodeled into an in depth on-line store or perhaps accessible worldwide

Online store or typically spoken as e-commerce has been growing at a awfully fertile middle and obtain earnings that is sort of exceptional compared to accounting for the stores. This happens as a result of the expansion and class of progressively subtle technology.

See above, then crypto currency that applies globally and might be used while not exchange rates set by the market are going to be an excellent answer within the world of e-commerce. Following authors deliver new solutions within the world of e-commerce. ICO project this may be Connectius underneath the anonym

Surely you have been curious however connecctius can do the revormasi within the world of e-commerce and supply a brand new color with the thought of being a visionary. Following a review of the project Connectius

Read also: Connectius Whitepaper

What Is Connectius?

As already alluded to within the discussion higher than, the connectius got the thought for the e-commerce answer within the future. Connectius can use token systems with advanced technology to minimise the value of the ethereum blockchain and fraud. Crypto systems clear to create the not possible happen manipulation in payments. this may build honest patrons and sellers in transactions on e-commerce

Connectius in running the massive platform, has many benefits compared to standard systems. the subsequent system in hand by connectius:
Connectius with blockchain mistreatment the contact within the group action so not cheating can most likely occur as a result of the contract had been created at the start. this may produce a security protection for sellers and patrons
Connectius mistreatment the token with the code within the CNT as a way to contact the technology service blockchain. Token CNT can act as a virtual currency that's clear and might not manipulation by anyone
Blockchain clear and secure system which will conjointly build it cheaper as a result of crypto applies globally and therefore the worth determined by the market as a result of the redistributed
Connectius also will settle for payment within the variety of currency, i.e. USD. As for the worth of edict currencies conjointly equate value with the token within the CNT. this may fill payment solutions, further because the benchmark still use token CNT thus it will not have an effect on the value of CNT token

That's a short summary of however the Connectius can produce a brand new system and revolutionize e-commerce within the future so additional simply, expeditiously and have the reassurance of security

Sales Of ICO Connectius

As already mentioned higher than, Connectius can launch with CNT code token with the power and customary of technology blockchain ERC20 ethereum. Connectius invite the total world community to hitch forces and invest on an excellent vision that is in hand by Connectius. If you furthermore may need to hitch, do not forget to follow ICO Connectius project as a result of by the time the ICO you may get a bonus so causes you to doubly. when completion of the ICO then the value can go up and there is a Token bonus not

Details Of The ICO

Token sales begin at five Gregorian calendar month 2017
Sale token expires on Gregorian calendar month twenty, 2018
Code Token: CNT
The amount of appropriations provided: thirty one million
ICO price: USD one

For more info:

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Biometrids_Decentralised and Anonymous ID by Facial Recognition on the Blockchain.

Biometrids_Decentralised and Anonymous ID by Facial Recognition on the Blockchain.

Biometrids platform is a web ID on the blockchain that uses machine learning for face recognition. With face recognition, it's attainable to verify individuals ar United Nations agency they are saying they're. Biometrids solves one among the most important problems these days Janus-faced within the blockchain system and in life. Biometrids may be a redistributed ID that uses the blockchain to spot individuals. The usage of the blockchain assures everyone seems to be anonymous, however still valid to conduct dealings with each other. By exploitation the API connected to the Biometridsplatform, any service will adopt our ID protocol into their system, and force individuals to use the Biometrids ID to enhance the safety of knowing the their customers ar transacting with real individuals.

With Biometrids’ platform, it is possible to achieve the following:

  • Make sure that people are who they say they are.
  • Deal with impostors and prevent identity fraud.
  • Opportunities to identify themselves, even in countries where this is not possible at the time being.
  • Give people the ownership of their own ID.
  • Help blockchain services that faces the identity problem.
  • Make payments more secure and trusted.
  • Remove the middleman for identification.
With Biometrids, the identities are anonymous however still trustworthy . The system can offer people that don't have access to AN ID the opportunities to spot them. There ar several countries wherever this can be a significant downside. The Biometrids platform can solve the matter of identity and facilitate forestall identity fraud, all this by exploitation automatic face recognition.

Our API lets others integrate the system. this may build it abundant easier for folks to log in to their wallets or determine themselves to others, while not having to indicate their real identity. With our constitutional legal system, folks will report others as scammers. If somebody makes a fallacious account exploitation the ID, their ID are marked as a slicker, which can let others apprehend to not agitate this person. once the system is established round the world, additional and additional firms and folks can adopt the system. this suggests that spammers will be excluded from exploitation some standard of living services, because of previous fraud marks. this may produce additional incentive to follow the system, as a brand new ID can not be created because of the distinctiveness in every person’s face.

How it works.

Facial recognition works around an image of someone. This image may be 2D or 3D. If we have a tendency to square measure employing a 2D image, possibilities of manipulation can rise considerably as a result of the non-complexities within the image and also the indisputable fact that it's straightforward to require an image of another person, scan it with the phone, and so log in to it user’s account. By victimization 3D photos, we are going to raise the quality considerably. after you ought to have ears, eyes, and chin, from associate angle, it gets rather more sophisticated to govern. once we additionally add a skin scan, and perhaps even associate iris scan, the quality and individualism are going to be at a far additional satisfying level and your facial scan are going to be distinctive.

We will mix the face recognition with a positive identification, giving a additional complete and very secure system wherever each face is exclusive and recognizable for the system.


The ICO will run for four weeks (from the 16th of December to the 13th of January).
  • Soft cap 4000 ETH.
  • Hard at 80000 ETH.

 Token Sale

Biometrids token will be known and called IDS.
There is going to be a total of 100,000,000 in existence and will be offered as follow:
  • Pre-ICO: 5%
  • Bounties and Advisors: 5%
  • Crowdsale: 70%
  • Team allocation: 10%
  • Foundation: 10%

A total of 70.000.000 coins will be set for sale at the following prices:

  • Week 1: 1000 IDS/1eth
  • Week 2: 850 IDS/1eth
  • Week 3: 700 IDS/1eth
  • Week 4: 600 IDS/1eth
Pre-Ico and crowdsale will run until end date, or until all coins are sold.
The allocated 10% of the team and the 10% for the foundation will be locked up for three years.
Every unsold coin during the ICO will be locked for five years. After five years, they will be sold back to early investors in a private fundraising campaign. They will not be sold on exchanges.

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Monday, 15 January 2018

FinTab Accounting System

This is the method of accounting for Cryptocurrency Portfolios.
Why FinTab?
A lot of cryptocurrencies interest to capitalist and fund.
But not all currencies on identical exchange and their rates will considerably.
That becomes tough to quickly acquire Associate in the Nursing assessment of this monetary state, the yield on a specific currency, and also the whole portfolio.

The Solution?
1. CoinTracking
2. CryptoCompare
3. Blockfolio

The Target Audience:
1. personal Investors
2. Traders
3. Investment Management
4. Funds

The Market Problem:
For privates investors, they do not want Associate in a Nursing full system. that is harder for understanding than cryptocurrencies.
For trades, the most automation is needed to not waste their time on accounting and analytics.
For funds, that's required to scale back the routine process of big group action flows from costumers.

Create a service that would mix users, friendly style, and functionally, and will be helpful for folks.

FinTab Economic System:

It is an Associate in Nursing analytical system supported the monetary accounting service for cryptocurrency however in addition their area unit alternative interactions that completely complement our system.
The main function of the FinTab Tokens is the payment for the service.

Additional System options
1. The system of analytics and signals want to develop a pursuit algorithmic program for every coin which can be evaluated by a collection of indicators.The results of the algorithmic program are the signals and proposals generation for operating with a specific coin.
2. Advertising platform.
An advertiser account is produced wherever they'll create advertisements and track their effectiveness. Advertising is designed in step with the classic ad auction with a value per reading or value per click.
3. P2P interaction
Additionally, we are going to create a classy evaluation system that may kind the rating of traders, in order that the users will get extremely helpful info.

Company’s Profit Service
The cost of the service for “Pro” and “Manage” accounts are fastened in USD, however, the sole payment accepted is in FinTab Tokens (FNTB).

User's Interest
We understand that users have an interest in the fastened worth for the service which it doesn’t modification depending on the attainable growing of FinTab Tokens rate. That’s why the value is fastened in USD, however, the only accepted technique is in FinTab Tokens.

Signal system
will have a free arrange with basic analytics and signals, Associate in Nursing a dilated arrange costs $14/month. there'll be a 50% discount for “Pro” and “Manage” users.

Advertising opportunities
we area unit getting to take 100% of the advertising value. The remaining 90% is increased to users with the activated mode of viewing the promotional material.

Tokenholders’ Interest
The Formula:

Possible reasons for FinTab tokens’ demand*
1. as a result of the promotion and development of the practicality.
2. The burning of tokens by their mistreatment might fairly result in their deficit.
3. Advertising practicality might increase the demand and turnover of tokens.

Issue of FinTab Tokens
FinTab token is FNT and FNTB. issued on blockchain supported the Ethereum code (ERC20 Token Standard). will be offered for purchase for BTC and ETH.

The role of FNT tokens
1. the correct to receive the FNTB token.
2. Access to the notification system within the service

The role of FNTB tokens
1. Access to the notification system within the service (before the “Pro” account release).
2. Payment for “Pro” account in the FinTab system.
3. Payment for “Manage” account in the FinTab system.
4. alternative services and options listed within the WhitePaper and enforced betting on
the received funds on ICO FinTab.

The burning of FNTB tokens
1. once paying for the service 10% of FNTB tokens pass to the FinTab team.
2. The remaining 90% of the tokens area unit burned.

The Token Sale
It is supposed to finance the event of the system and the implementation
of blockchain technology, moreover as raising funds for selling and promotion purposes.
A total of 16.5* million FinTab tokens (FNT) are issued:
1. 14 million FNT are sold out in total throughout all the ICO stages for system development.
2. 1.5 million FNT reserved for the team and partners.
3. 1 million FNT reserved as an award for serving on the project (bounty).

Token Distribution

Before the pre-ICO, a smart contract was formed, where 30 million FNTs were issued. After recalculations, we have concluded that it is necessary to reduce the total number of tokens to 16.5 million. To do this, we will destroy 13.5 million FNT.

Stages of the ICO

System Development

Distribution of funds and received on ICO

Mikhail Fadeev, CEO.

Grigory Maltsev, COO.

Nikolay Ozhogov, CTO.


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